Statistics working group

Working group’s objectives


The Forestry and Wood Industry data work group includes members of the EFWIA and its parters, with the objective of improving data quality, availability, processability, and conceptualisation in the sector. To achieve this objective, the following assignments have been set:

Limiting the SCOPE of sector data.

  • Data, which the EFWIA should collect, process, and present in the sector.
  • Statistical information, which the EFWIA should collect and present in its channels.

Improving the QUALITY of sector data.

  • Raising the level of awareness of members (one’s own role in ensuring data quality).
  • Creating a process for correcting errors (Statistics Estonia’s ‘client manager’ vs EFWIA’s project manager).

Automatisation of the COLLECTION of sector data.

  • Reduction in manual labour on the part of the EFWIA when collecting data.
  • The role of EFWIA/management board members will remain to make sense of the collected data.
  • Mapping the possibilities offered by Statistics Estonia’s dashboard (e.g. production volume dashboard, foreign trade dashboard).
  • Mapping the possibilities of the EFWIA’s data warehouse
  • The EFWIA as an example of digitisation for members!?

Updating the methods of PUBLISHING sector data.

  • Information publication calendar.
  • Domestic and foreign information.
  • Creation of a notification option for members upon the addition of new information.

More detailed information on the formulation of objectives can be found in the following files:

EFWIA-Statistics-working group

Data-work group-OBJECTIVES

Working group activities are coordinated by Mait Kaup (Warmeston OÜ). Working group members are Jaan Kers (Taltech); Margus Kohava (Combimill); Jaak Nigul (Tarmeko); Enn Sapp (MetsäForest); Gerli Puusild (Swedbank); and Jaano Haidla (Graanul Invest).

Information last updated: 06 February 2022